Yamaha Motorcycles Riverside County Dealers Offer Choices For Race And Dirt Riders

By Emilia Kibbe

People purchase motorbikes for lots of different reasons. Some love to race their bikes on tracks. Others use them to traverse remote areas with uneven terrain. Although these may start out as the same bikes, the Yamaha motorcycles Riverside County dealers customize eventually look and feel very different.

What's the difference between a Race Bike and a Trail Bike? Assuming that Yamaha Motorcycles (or other brands) are the same make and model, both bikes look the same on the showroom floor. Both bikes will perform respectably on the track or along the muddy backwoods trails. However, if you are planning to get a lot of air on jumps or tear up the trail without leaving some skin behind, you have to customize your ride. This gradually changes the bike's look and feel, which is how the same bike can become a "dirt" bike or "race" bike with the proper fixings and accessories.

Can You Stand the Suspense? Aftermarket upgrades are a must to transform your bike to meet your needs. If you decide you are a race biker, you'll switch to a fine-tuned suspension that can handle the grind of a motocross track. Conversely, trail bikes need a smoother ride and different upgrades to react to the changing terrain of difficult trails. Maybe you get a headlight and kickstand as a final touch for night rides and sudden stops to check clogged valve or to assess the trail ahead.

Shifting Gears Motocross bikes focus on speeds to deal with fast changing track conditions. Conversely, dirt bikes have different accessories depending on the terrain, varying from open desert to tight turn in the woods. The bike's gearing can change from day to day and trail to trail. Typically, this means you gear up on the rear sprock for tight, low speed rides. You then gear down over long-distance trails where you need more speed.

Some bike enthusiasts love racing and trail biking equally. They don't need multiple bikes because of that. Experienced bikers can choose from a wide variety of accessories instead of owning a garage full of different motorbikes.

Good motorbikes are like chameleons. They can change with their surroundings and circumstances. One day they may be outfitted for a racing event. The next day riders may deck them out for an excursion in the woods or a ride up a mountain.

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