Some Things You Need To Know About Aircraft Turbine Oil

By Sharon Price

There is a very good possibility that you are an aircraft owner, or even an aircraft maintenance engineer and that is why you are on this article right now. You are also one who supports preventive maintenance as your core philosophy in looking after things entrusted to you or own. Your maintenance systems have critical components to make it work, and one of these components is the right aircraft turbine oil. Do read on in this article for some tips on how to choose the right one.

The airworthiness any plane can only be maintained or sustained by routine maintenance and also high quality turbine oil usage. In the market today a majority of the gas turbine engine oils can be classified as high performance also. Two well known brands exist that manufacture and market these oils, being Aero Shell and Mobil respectively. It should be noted however, that other brands apart from these two exist as well.

Airplane engines and car engines have the same function in that they provide necessary propulsion for travel. But the similarity ends there as they are quite different. Whereas car engines usually run on pistons, aircraft engines run on turbines. This definitely necessitates different kinds of lubricants and maintenance. Engines on aircraft depend largely on build up of pressurized gas to run the turbines as it burns fuel.

The combustion that is needed for turbine engines occurs at very high speeds and also high temperature and pressure. Thus this engine type will need a specific oil that can adapt to these conditions. Rest of the requirements for the oils to have are very good oxidation and thermal properties. In addition it must also be able to give good protection against high temperature corrosion and give excellent anti wear properties.

When you are on the search for oils make sure that you get one that is fitted for your specific commercial operation. It will also be to your advantage if you can also get one that has passed military specifications as well, as this is one that is deemed reliable by the armed forces.

Should your budget permit and if you are also willing to spend a bit more, you can go for OEM or original equipment manufacturer oils. OEM means that the oils are made by the same engine manufacturer. Thus if you have a Toyota engine, you will also use Toyota oils and so on.

Look also at long term pricing when deciding. If you do a lot of maintenance or service a lot of units, it may be better if you are able to buy in bulk . Do search out dealers that can also deliver the oil to you upon purchase, provided of course that you have your own bulk storage facilities.

In conclusion this article has given some ideas and considerations for you to think about before making a final decision or commitment on a brand. It may also be a good idea to make additional research on actual dependability and reliability of all the brands available so you can make an informed choice in the end.

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