DevOps Automation For Faster And Continuous Product Release

By Janet Jackson

Success will not come on a silver platter unless corporations set the foundation for it. In the aggressive competition of grabbing opportunities in the market that defines the business environment today, only the strong and forward thinking ones will survive. Businesses encompass a myriad of IT solutions that ensure a timely product delivery to consumers and streamlining activities. However, there are more effective ways to do this. The Devops Automation subject is addressed to C level managers who are at the top of finance and healthcare to name a few.

DevOps tools help to ease this otherwise complicated procedure of coordinating and interpreting the functionality of the two teams. Many source tools are now offered to help experts in the continual integration, delivery, and deployment of products. Not all things good are expensive. A variety of open source tools are at the reach of developers today. The following is 5jj such open source tools that are often used in DevOps.

Test Automation- While implementing this, the practitioner needs to ensure that all testing activities are aligned to a single cycle. The organization must explore ways to automate all the test cases and achieve 100% test coverage. It needs to automate both pre-testing and post-testing activities to facilitate continuous integration and delivery. Hence, the enterprise needs to invest in robust software testing frameworks and tools to automate the entire testing process and run the tests repeatedly throughout the DevOps cycle.

Ansible: This is an automation software that was taken over by Red Hat. This is a simple server and configuration management tool that aims to bust complexity. Ansible can help you with task automation, application deployment, and IT orchestration. It allows you to run tasks in a sequence and to create a chain of events that need to happen at once on many servers/ devices. This, in turn, helps you automate everyday tasks, and to speed up product delivery.

The CI process will reduce the addition testing time as the code is evaluated continuously. However, the testers still need to perform code performance and white box security tests to evaluate the quality of application code more efficiently. That is why; it becomes essential for the practitioners to facilitate CI, and invest in robust continuous integration testing tools while implementing DevOps testing.

Additional Tests and Checks- CI will help enterprises to evaluate the quality of code being added to the centralized code base. But the enterprises still need to perform a variety of tests to evaluate the software's functionality, performance, usability, and accessibility. The QA professionals need to perform load testing under varying user loads to check the performance of the application while being accessed by a large number of users simultaneously.

This list is only the tip of an enormous iceberg. Countless other open source tools are scattered across the landscape. Choose a tool that best fits your immediate needs. None of these tools might fit all your requirements. The trick lies in choosing the best set for you.

Understand the Important Patterns: There are basically four areas with respect to its patterns such as Extend development into production, Create production feedback into development, Embed development into IT operations and lastly Embed IT operations into development. All these patterns are useful as they ensure production readiness of the code and environment. Further, helps to create re-usable user stories for the IT operations and even defines the non-functional requirements that can be used across the process.

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