What Are The Responsibilities Of The Armed Guards Orange County Companies Employ

By Jason Williams

If you are the sort of person everyone depends on when situations get difficult, you might consider a career in security. There are a lot of opportunities for individuals with high school and college degrees. Retired police officers and detectives looking for some part time employment often find this field rewarding. The duties expected of the armed guards Orange County companies are looking for are wide ranging.

When people envision a security guard they usually think of someone patrolling exterior grounds and interior hallways protecting against robberies, arson, vandalism, and terrorism. A guard can also be employed to stand duty at company entrances to examine identification, allowing only authorized personnel to enter. Professional security may be employed to monitor an alarm system and watch closed circuit cameras. They are expected to hold intruders until law enforcement gets to the scene.

A security guard's responsibilities vary greatly depending on the company that employs him. Retail stores hire security to protect their merchandise, cash, and clerks. In the stores they keep an eye out for shoplifters and detain them when necessary. Most schools have security, or courtesy officers, patrolling halls and grounds.

Art galleries and museums have security personnel on staff to guard the galleries and hallways against anyone who tries to get too close, or touch, an artwork. They may be employed to man doorways, checking bags and purses prior to clients entering the premises. All banks have security personnel on site. They assist law enforcement at major sporting and other entertainment events.

A guard can work in almost any environment. Security is employed by the federal government to screen passengers boarding planes, trains, buses, railroads, and commuter transportation. The gaming industry employs security at casinos and bars. These guards are often out of sight in private observation rooms. Some security personnel are expected to spend a great deal of time on their feet patrolling areas in and around property. Others spend hours sitting and watching security monitors.

Although responsibilities and duties may vary from job to job, there are certain things that are common to most. Firstly companies hire security to be visible reminders that the premises is protected. Companies depend on guards to remain vigilant at all times. Most experienced security officers have developed a sixth sense and will detect anything, or anyone, out of place or suspicious. A security guard has to be prepared to make split second decisions.

A guard has to know how to respond appropriately in any given situation. They have to able to recall the correct protocol when handling a crisis. Security personnel must be trained to know what he can handle and when he needs to call for backup. Writing coherent incident reports is a part of most security jobs.

Today's world can be a dangerous place. Businesses and government entities take the safety and security of the public seriously. A security guard may spend days employed in tedious routine, but if called, he has to be ready to go into action. The lives of countless people may depend on him.

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