Container Garden Ideas For Urbanites And Apartment Dwellers

By Ann Lewis

Many gardeners have given up on the idea of gardening because they lack space, time or lots of experience. But if growing plants is an interest of yours container (vessel) gardening could be your answer. Vessel gardens will allow you to enjoy "playing in the dirt" without investing a lot of time or money. You can get very creative in this area using decorative flowers or grasses, herbs and vegetables. You can plant a vessel garden with any plant that would grow outside. The trick is to come up with some creative container garden ideas.

When it comes to limited outdoor space, including a small yard, or balcony and a shared courtyard, container gardening will serve you right. This gardening option offers the ability of growing a variety of fruits and almost all types of vegetable. This only requires the right conditions, including enough space for an appropriate size of container and the right level of sun exposure.

Choosing your vessel is only limited by your imagination. You may opt for a traditional wooden planter or large plastic pots. But you may choose something a little more unconventional such as a yard sink, an old stock pot, buckets or even an old toilet. It all depends on the look you want and how much of a talking point you want your container to become. Most garden supply stores and nurseries sell a variety of vessels.

Whatever vessel gardening idea you can come up with can be placed on a patio, deck, and balcony or by the front doors. Put them somewhere that your family and friends can enjoy. Don't forget to pot some herbs, they are pretty plants and add zest to your meals.

Thirdly, consider the location of your vessel. Although your plants will need sunlight to thrive, too much sun and they may burn. Some plants prefer a more direct sunlight, while others prefer a sheltered spot. If unsure always read the growing instructions or seek advice from a garden nursery or online web site.

Square foot gardening and raised beds: You can grow more food in a square foot than you may think. The gardening comprises boxes that are typically above-ground, filled with nutritious soil and segmented in to square foot to allow maximum plant spacing.

For relatively big enough spaces, raised beds are ideal for maximizing your effort and space. They not only accommodate more growth per square foot but also greatly minimize the need for weeding. Uprooting the weeds is also much easier throughout the season.

Care of your vessel is very important. Although vessel gardening is fairly simple your plants need to be cared for on a regular basis. Regular watering, especially in hot weather is essential. However, too much water can do as much damage to your plants as too little. Always check your plants need water with your fingertips before you water.

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