Guidelines To Follow When You Start Horse Riding In Prague

By Gary Parker

You may be looking for a new hobby for yourself or one that you can take up with your children. If you are not very athletic people, but still want something that will allow you to spend time outdoors, then horse riding in Prague might be a good option for you. Watching movies and cartoons may have made this activity look easy, but you will soon find out that it takes quite a bit of discipline and effort. Here is what you need to do to get started.

To ride a horse, you need to understand the animals. This means learning about their history the various pedigrees, what they eat, and also their habits. This way, the first time you approach the animal, you do it right. Your research should also cover the English and western horse riding styles so that you can choose the one that you think is most suitable for you.

There are some things you can teach yourself through reading books and watching tutorials, but horse riding is not one of them. You need to look for a certified trainer located near you. The location of the lessons should also be safe and secure, and the animals there should be in good health. Make sure you specify that you are a beginner so that they can pair you up with the right animal, and trainer.

Before you choose to work with a particular trainer or enroll for the lessons at a particular place, you have to ask whether they have an opening for you. In some cases, you might need to make the booking a few weeks or month in advance, and therefore, you should start the search as soon as you decide to take up this hobby. Make a point of also inquiring about their charges.

Apart from paying for the lessons, you will also need to buy the proper gear. Although the saddles and reins will be provided, you need to be appropriately dressed, and for most people, this will mean going out to buy the required clothes. Inquire whether the establishment will give you helmets, but you can also choose to buy yours.

Proper riders maintain a particular stance while on top of the animal. In the beginning, this might you feeling stiff and sore, but over time you should get used to it. To help ease your body into this routine ensure you regularly exercise. Focus on a regimen that strengthens your core and leg muscles. You should also have a routine, which allows you to stretch after each lesson.

Beginners tend to be very tense because you are scared of falling. While this fear is inevitable, try to stay calm. Being rigid will strain your muscles which will cause you to tire quickly. Additionally, the horse will feel your fear and can cause them to drop you.

Even if you are counting this as your workout, you must be well fed before the lesson. This will ensure your blood sugar levels stay high. Additionally, you should carry some water with you, which you can sip during the lesson to stay hydrated. Considering you will be out in the sun for a few hours, ensure that your skin is also protected by using sun screen.

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