Examining The Benefits Of Love Addiction Therapy

By Catherine Smith

When it comes to romantic relationships, there are those which lead to marriage, those which lead to divorce and those which many wish never would have happened in the first place. As such, love addiction therapy is now available for those which can not break free from the bonds of a past, or unrequited love.

While there remains a great deal of controversy in relation to love and sex addiction therapy, there are those whom have experienced the condition, gone through therapy and can now recognize the difference between these type attractions. While this can often be difficult for some people to admit, going through therapy can greatly benefit an individual with regards to future romantic interests and relationships.

While this is the case, the definition of this type of addiction includes having a compulsive pattern with regards to relationships, sexuality and romance. In many cases, these compulsive behaviors can have negative effects for addicts and partners. In fact, these addictions often end in failed marriages, legal issues, custody battles and sexually transmitted diseases.

Suggested symptoms include mistaking sexual attraction for romantic interest. In addition, individuals who always feel alone, desperate and inadequate when not in a relationship may be exhibiting signs. Individuals having a constant presence on dating websites and chat-lines can also be indicative of this type addiction. Whereas, anyone who always falls in love at first sight, on a first date, online or over the phone can also be exhibiting signs.

If an individual feels one is in need of therapy, it is important to locate a facility or therapist which works in the area as soon as possible. For, the sooner an individual can get help, often the sooner one can move forward in building honest, trustworthy relationships with the right people. Otherwise, it can often be difficult to experience legitimate intimacy or set and maintain boundaries related to sex and other issues in the relationship.

Sex addicts also need to learn about the criminal aspect of spreading disease when having knowledge of same. For, while doing so may only be misdemeanors in some areas, many can be felonies in others. As there are a number of sex offenders in both categories, it is often advised that before getting involved in a romantic or dating relationship, the individual run a background check to assure there has been no criminal activity related to sexual assault on the sex industry.

While most addicts of this type have experienced heartbreak and devastation when it comes to romance, it is imperative to build future relationships in which romantic interest is shared rather than one-sided. Otherwise, the individual is only setting oneself up for another heart break. As such, whether or not one goes through professional treatment, it is essential to acknowledge and understand how a partner feels about love and romance on a regular basis.

Individuals recognizing that one has a problem need seek help from one of the many addiction centers or therapists now working in this area. For, while there remains controversy, more and more therapists are starting to see this type of addiction as a disease. While this is the case, most insurance plans still do not cover these therapies, something therapists and victims are currently trying to change in the future.

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