Leading West Orange NJ Counselor Shares The Signs And Symptoms Of Depression

By Gary Cooper

Depression is a common illness that is misunderstood by many. This devastating condition affects the psychological health of a patient. Apart from that deep lonely feeling, patients also suffer from insomnia, sadness and a sense of worthlessness. There are numerous other signs and symptoms that are not as apparent as those mentioned above. It will be of basic importance to see an experienced West Orange NJ counselor if you or a family member is showing the signs of depression.

In certain cases, a patient will not only suffer emotionally, but will also experience some level of physical pain due to depression. It remains crucial to understand that the disease can manifest itself in different ways and some patients may suffer from migraines headaches and cramps among other kinds of aches. Others will even suffer from digestive issues and will frequently vomit or feel nauseated.

Additionally, patients could get very irritable. This is not necessarily sadness, but they will just develop a short fuse and will snap, even at minor issues. When this happens, it is unfortunate that a patient could be accused of being petty or unsociable. In case a perfectly happy loved one suddenly cannot even stand a joke, then it could be that something is terribly amiss.

Another telling sign of depressing is sudden changes in weight. Some patients will gain weight while others will lose weight suddenly. Again, each patient will experience depression differently and the illness can unfold itself in a very unique way. One patient may experience a lack of appetite and this would cause a drastic loss of weight. On the other hand, another patient may find comfort in food and this would lead to sudden weight gain.

Another warning sign to look out for is excessive habits. You have reason to raise an eyebrow if a person sticks to doing a certain activity all day and every day. Patients could resolve to do things that will enable them to escape from their thoughts and feelings for a considerable number of hours. For instance, a loved one could get glued on social media for long hours or he or she may resolve to engage in gambling activities.

If you notice that your loved one wants to stay away from people, something could be wrong. In the majorities of cases, this comes as an indication of drug abuse or depression. Any mentally healthy person will want to interact with people. Therefore, you should sense that something is amiss if your relative cannot stand human company.

In addition, dreaminess is a less obvious symptom of depression. While daydreaming can in some occasions provide solutions, it can pose problems because people are better off when they remain rooted to their reality. A happy person will want to live in the moment. Excessive dreaminess would show that a patient badly wants to escape from his or her reality.

If two of the symptoms above are displayed by your loved one, then there is a reason to get concerned. Fortunately, a dependable therapist can not only provide the much needed counseling, but can also accurately diagnose the condition to ensure that the right treatment is offered. For you to benefit from meaningful services, you need to do some sleuthing around and find a local therapist with a proven track record.

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