Some Information On Aircraft Turbine Oil

By William Morris

At this very moment in time you are reading this article due to the fact that either you are a pilot who owns a plane, or an engine and aircraft mechanic tasked with maintenance. You are also a firm believer in preventive maintenance and want to follow this kind of maintenance system. Having a successful setup means you need to know more about components critical to successful engine upkeep. One of these components is the use and choice of aircraft turbine oil. Read on here in this article for information which you may need.

Routine maintenance and use of high quality turbine oil is key to having and keeping an airworthy aircraft. Many of the high performance oils out there that will be marketed to you are specifically made for gas turbine engines. The two most popular brands are Aero Shell and Mobil for these kind of oils. It should be noted however, that other brands exist out there also.

Aircraft gas turbine engines, although using the same principle of internal combustion, are different from piston engines as found in cars. As they are different, they will require a different kind of oil also. Gas turbines rely on the build up of pressurized gas to spin the turbine. The source of course of this pressurized gas is created by the burning of jet fuel.

Jet fuel is burned at high pressures and speeds, and so the engine also requires the same characteristics in relation to these conditions. You will need an oil that offers resistance to high temperature corrosion, good anti wear properties, as well a good thermal and oxidation properties specifically made for jet engines. Definitely you will not think of using ordinary engine oil for your plane engine.

It is good to make sure that the oil you have an eye on is approved by the proper authorities on the specified commercial usage that you have in mind. As such it will be a great advantage to you if the same oil is approved for military use and applications as well. This latter characteristic is really not that essential, but can give you additional peace of mind and confidence.

Depending on how big or small your budget is, you can also consider original equipment manufacturer oils. These are made and sold by the same manufacturer of the engine that you have. Basically it means using Mitsubishi oils made specific for Mitsubishi engines, and so on and so forth.

It is also look at the price in the long term. If you are in the habit of constant maintenance or if you have more than one plane to maintain, then it is better to buy in bulk or by the drum. Look for sellers that can meet this need and also transportation by them to your place. In addition, this of course assumes that you have the necessary installations and such for long term storage of bulk oil.

In sum this article has shown you some considerations to think of before buying any oil on the market. Always make sure that you leave no stone unturned in terms of looking for information so that you can have the most informed decision possible.

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