How African Leaders Can Effectively Use Donations For Africa

By Cynthia Snyder

Africa is recognized as one of the continents in the world. People love Africa because of the fact they have been blessed with by nature. Unfortunately, the place still has the most poorly fed individuals because only a few are rich while the poor are absolutely poor. Several world organizations have however tried to improve their lot by making donations for Africa. The packages they get can go a long way to change lives if used effectively.

One of the problems in Africa is poor power supply. Although so many places have improved, there are still quite a lot of communities that have never been electrified. Even where there is a connection to power supply, you don't get to see it regularly. This is one of the reasons why their economy remains stunted.

Tasking the leaders to provide jobs with the money they get would be fine. If much of the money is used for the good of the common man, there would be fewer cases of unemployment. This can happen by building industries, opening markets and improving the standard of education in the country.

Hunger, which is prevalent in Africa, can be solved when there is a radical change in the sector. Subsistence farming can be turned into commercial farming if the farmers are given a fraction of the foreign aid that is given to the leaders. Moreover, there are graduates everywhere with the skill and desire to farm but they are hampered by lack of funds.

Since the quality of health care in the region has a lot of improvement to undergo, it would be wise of the leaders who get these donations to improve their health sector. The leaders who often fly abroad to get foreign health treatment should be reminded that there are others in the country who would have loved to do the same but lack the funds to get a plane ticket, let alone paying for the health service.

Part of the money can be used to make their countries clean. It is common to see wastes litter the streets because they lack a proper waste management system in many of the states. One of the ways to effectively prevent this is by buying machines that can convert these wastes to something more useful. An example is a machine that converts polymer to plastic.

Many African emigrants enjoy the infrastructure they see in America and Europe and wish that what they have at home could be equivalent. If the monies sent to them as donations are channeled to this course, the people will also rejoice. There would be less need for the frequent visits abroad for a holiday. Infrastructures that can make the citizens happy include good roads, availability of pipe borne water even in rural communities and equipped schools.

Increasing workers' salaries is another way of using the money they get wisely. This is a way of making their nations better because the workforce becomes encouraged such that they can improve the quality of work they do. When the workers in any region are happy, it is possible to witness a faster rate of development. They are also capable of helping the poor among them.

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