Science Behind Pendulum Energy Clearing

By Ryan Brown

As science uncovers the truth behind ancient esoteric understanding, more and more scientists are admitting to the existence of an energetic reality. This dimension exists parallel to our own, and it is the fundamental realm that makes both prayer and magic a reality. Whenever one begins a study of this realm on their own, they may wish to perform pendulum energy clearing first.

Reality consists of atoms spinning themselves into a wave pattern that, when slowed, becomes the material Universe. There are a number of tools utilized by Shamans to communicate with unseen realms that exist alongside our own. Sometimes these Shamans talk to spirit guides, and others perform actual healing by realigning energetic fields governing the human body.

Such esoteric tools utilize the energetic points of the body which are known as Chakras, in a practice known as Reiki. Anyone suffering disease or mental illness is also experiencing a misalignment of these points on the body. Pendulums can help to locate the chakra which is being afflicted, so the Shaman can focus attention on aligning that particular point on the energetic body.

This sort of realigning, known as Reiki, can be utilized in conjunction with traditional treatments. In fact, doctors have had to admit that patients who pursue esoteric healing alongside traditional medicine have a higher recovery rate than those who do not. This is true of prayer as well as Reiki, or forms of pressure-point therapy.

It is not uncommon for clearings to be done when a person moves into a new home. Whether moving to a 100-year-old dwelling or an apartment building that has just been built, having the environment cleared before laying down to sleep that first night is recommended. Burning sage while performing this task is a common technique.

Being alerted to areas of high energetic concentration can be useful for anyone experiencing a haunting or poltergeist. This helps a Shaman focus on which rooms, or even which occupants, are being most impacted by the energies. Sometimes balancing the energies of the land itself is what is called for since certain minerals or stones can affect the way energies are perceived in the home.

Geography can play a vital role in whether or not a place becomes haunted. Certain crystalline stones such as quartz, salt, or even sulfur can record events that occur in their environment. Now and then a particular event recorded into the very stones can play, and anyone with the eyes to see it will do so, usually to their great chagrin.

It is known that quartz is an energetic conductor that also records both visual and audio images. This is why it is used in basically every electronic gadget from a calculator to your desktop or laptop computer. It is also often the reason for energies to remain focused in a certain area, since the presence of quartz, amethyst, crystals, and other such stones is known for recording events in an area and replaying them as a haunting.

Many pendulums are made of a quartz type material. This is in due partly because these stones are pleasing to the eye, but also because they respond so well to delicate energies. One must use care and try to communicate with the stone while choosing their tool, whether they be using it magically or for mundane reasons, such as finding the car keys.

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