How Peer Mediation Can Help Avoid Suspension

By Virginia Butler

While in school, most often students will have a disagreement with another student or group of students. If part of a gang or going through a rebellious phase, if the issue is not resolved, the results can often be dyer. When this is the case, peer mediation can often assist individuals in working out a resolution while supervised by trained student mediators.

The process is loosely based on that of peer counseling which became popular in the 1990s. Although, while that type of process involved two individuals working together as communicator and listener, the process lacked the presence of a trained mediator. While this is the case, those willing to participate were often able to resolve issues and conflicts, many times saving a relationship or friendship in the process.

Mediators providing these services are most often provided through private consulting firms. Most mediators providing these services come from a number of different backgrounds. Whether having participated in the process, or a similar one such as peer counseling which was popular in the 1990s, all are trained before going out on assignments to assist others.

While a lot of focus is on stopping gang violence and disorderly behavior in schools, there are also mediators which work with community members, employees and families. For, all of these are situations in which most likely two or more adults are going to disagree. Whether such disagreement involves family issues in the home, policies and procedures in the workplace or members of a community, there are mediators whom are trained to help resolve issues in this area.

Benefits for adults going through this process is that it creates a peaceful environment which can often assist when it comes to rebuilding a sense of communication, compromise and understanding. Whether the disagreement involves adults at home, work or school, there are trained mediators which specialize in these and other environments.

Conflicts with fellow employees is often one of the most difficult issues because it often involves the risk of being fired. In most cases, a mediator can assist employees in coming to a compromise by teaching that while one employee may see or do things one way, and others another, this does not mean either is right or wrong, just that each have a way of working which is different from one another.

When an issue effects an entire community, there are going to be several people who agree and disagree with an issue. In most cases, these issues are related to city codes and infrastructure or rules and regulations related to curfews after an emergency. While often more difficult than working with two adults or children, mediators are available to teach groups how to agree to disagree and still remain peaceful throughout the process.

Whether working with children or adults, the process can assist in educating all better methods when it comes to communication. Whether a major or minor disagreement, a mediator can often be the difference between going to jail, paying a fine or becoming a target of a lawsuit. For, when individuals can learn how to resolve issues in a non-violent manner or agree to disagree, life can often be better for all involved.

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