Discovering A Machu Picchu Tour Package

By Michael Moore

Whether vacationing in Peru independently or as a part of a group, there is a lot to see. Most often, one site that is part of any Machu Picchu Tour Package is that of the sacred mountain. In fact, in 2017 more than a million tourists visited the historic sites and cultural centers of the area.

While once plans were in place for a cable car, those plans were canceled. In 2018, the plans were restarted in an effort to encourage Peruvians as well as tourists to visit the area to boost tourism as well as the economy. While this is the case, there is still a restricted flight zone above the area. As such, UNESCO is considering placing the site on the list of World Heritage sites in danger.

Why there have been attempts to institute tourist helicopter flights in the area, any licenses which have been granted have been rescinded almost immediately and long before any such flights took place. In fact, even after a company moved a rock to create a helicopter landing pad, the company went out of business due to a new no fly zone. For, in addition to instituting the no fly zone above the area, the Peru government also prohibited helicopter take offs and landings.

In all cases, these prohibitions and rescinded licenses were due to concerns with regards to tourist safety. For, there have been a number of deaths in the area already due to hiking accidents, floods and altitude sickness. In fact, UNESCO has been criticized over the years for allowing individuals to tour the location due to the high risks of earthquakes, landslides and injuries from falling rocks and decaying structures.

In January 2010, heavy flooding caused the misplacement of over 2,000 locals and tourists whom could not return to the area for over three months. In fact, homes, hotels, railways and roads were washed away. As such, those whom were trapped had to be airlifted to safety of which the cost put a great deal of stress on the economy of the country.

While a number of nudists have found an affinity for Machu Picchu and the surrounding area, authorities and local residents are not pleased. As such, several of these individuals have been detained and banned from visiting the site. In order to stop the activity of the nudists and others whom threaten the cultural heritage of the area, surveillance cameras and authorities now scope the area on an ongoing basis.

Following the flood in 2010, the country began instituting stricter guidelines on admissions. In one case, the new rules were aimed at reducing negative effects caused by tourism. For, the country felt that by reducing the number of tourists whom visited the area on a daily basis, there would be less impact to the sacred mountain and other sites in the area.

As of 2018, there have been additional limits placed on the entrances. In fact, there will be three phases of restrictions in all to help manage the flow of tourists and reduce damage and degradation to the site. During each phase, the number of visitors allowed through each entrance will diminish. As such, those wishing to visit the site may want to do so sooner rather than later.

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