Scriptural Passages For Christian Mens Conference

By Kevin Robinson

People keep learning till they die, either consciously or unconsciously. To learn consciously, one has to enroll in a school or attend conferences. Depending on the conference, people draw inspiration that can help them in any aspect of life. For instance, Christian mens conference is targeted at men whose faith are in the Lord and need no other help but that which comes from Him to tackle their challenges. They do this by looking deeply at some passages of the Bible.

Many conferences for men like highlighting the passage in Joshua chapter 1 verse 9. It says that men should not be afraid because God can never leave them. It assures a man that God will always be there wherever he goes. There is no better assurance than this because God is the alpha and the omega, the creator of the whole universe and the one who has the capacity to do even the impossible.

Someone looking for inspirational passages without anyone in mind will surely find some in the book of Psalms. Even from the first chapter and first three verses, Christian men are admonished how to live their lives. They are warned of the kind of people they should not call friends. Such people include the scornful, the sinners and the ungodly. The time to be spent with them should be used in the study of the Bible.

Men who are afraid of their fellow men should consider Psalm 118:6. Here, the psalmist understands that there is no need to be afraid of man because his days are like vapor. God is the only one to be afraid of because he has the power to give life and take it back.

Another one from the book of Psalms is in 119:9. This is for men who want to please the Lord and stand holy before his presence. The psalmist here says that the way to do this is by taking heed to the word of God. This means studying it and being careful to note and to do all that is written therein.

Men who may not feel the urge to partner with people in business are given Proverbs 27:17 as a piece of advice. It shows that what a man can do can be more successful with more than one person. This scripture is there to let one understand that the Bible is really a source of wisdom to all who can read and interpret with the help of the Holy Spirit. Nevertheless, the men have to partner with other Christians for two cannot walk together except they agree.

The book of Jeremiah chapter 29 verses 11 is for those who are really depressed. It is for those who think that God must have forgotten them. It gives hope to the destitute and reassures men that if only they pray, they will feel the hand of God in their difficult conditions.

It is a general idea that prayers change things. Yet, some people are perplexed why some will pray and have their requests answered and others do the same without any obvious result in sight. The reason is that some people pray with sin in their heart. God has to forgive anyone before his prayers are answered. For this reason, men are to confess their sins even to other men so that they can also be prayed for.

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