The Sad Reality Of Random Killing Sprees

By Virginia Carter

These are times of living dangerously. No one is completely safe even in broad daylight. No place is safe more so in crowded venues. These very places have become a favorite target of lone wolf individuals who have psychological issues. These types of persons have no qualms about the sanctity of life. It is wise to prepare oneself for these unexpected situations by enrolling in active shooter training PA.

There are individuals who randomly fires at people without any specific target, the aim is usually to kill as many as possible with whatever ammunition is available. These persons do these acts for many reasons. Some wants to get back at society for whatever bad situation they are in. Others are motivated by terrorist acts in other nations.

Hatred is the most common cause most random mass killings using firearms. Deranged or mentally disturbed elements of society become devoid of hope and go into depressions which may cause them to hate everybody. Crimes of this nature are very unpredictable and can happen anytime so it is best to know how react when caught up in this kind of nightmare.

The use of military grade assault rifles are most of the time performed by lone persons who might get them illegally through the black market. Federal and state laws strictly control the sale of these sorts of weapons. Not all citizens are good citizens and organized crime can provide firepower to those who will pay. This makes the environs even more dangerous.

Some nations have a constitution that allows the citizens the right to bear arms. But this is only to the extent of home and personal protection. These usually are the smaller pieces than can be tucked in or carried and of small caliber. Only the military and police Special Forces are allowed to possess such dangerous automatic and rapid firing weapons.

Know more about gun control and assault weapons. These are the tools of destruction long arms are the preferred choices of would be assailants. These can be fired from long distances and from hidden positions. These weapons are very effective against helpless humans. It is best to take educational courses to arm you with enough knowledge that may help lives.

Government sponsored lectures and symposiums are done in any locality that requests it through its local police forces. These programs are designed to educate and make people aware of potential dangers of lone wolf operators and how to survive or avoid such situations. Any suspicions about activities happening in the neighborhood should be promptly reported to authorities.

Never hesitate in informing authorities about weird or suspicious activities of individuals who might be neighbors. This can help authorities in anticipating future incidents from happening. Surveillance can be done near the vicinity of suspicious characters. It has been common that close relatives sometimes are torn by blood bond and fail to inform the police until too late.

From a survival point of view there are only three basic ways to stay alive in case one is caught in this kind of tragedy. The first is to run away from the scene as fast as can be but do not run without observing where the shots are coming from. Second, if there is no place to run, then hide behind something impenetrable like concrete walls. The last and the most dangerous are to fight back, and that is only you are armed.

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