Clicking With A Full Virtualized IT Environment

By William Ward

When people wake up in the morning, many of them will turn over to their mobile phones, hit snooze on their alarms, and then get a few more minutes of sleep. After one or two more rings of the alarm, they will finally get up. They will have breakfast, brush their teeth, and prepare the bodies in other ways, all in to make themselves look somewhat presentable. They need to be presentable, if not decent, because they may have to go to a job and work for a company. In a lot of these companies, these employees may have to use a full virtualized IT environment over the course of their job.

IT means information technology. It encapsulates multiple things. But for the most part, it is focused on digital communication using the technologies available.

Now, the applications of IT are truly astounding. Sending messages, for example, is made that much easier thanks to instant messaging, meaning that there is no more running across town to deliver ink and paper letters. Learning is also more accessible. Instead of attending a lecture, a student can just pull up a video and start learning on their own terms.

Virtualization is the process in which a new environment is made up. It is not an imitation of one, unlike in simulation. But is in fact a new one wholesale. In short, this means having a single compute running multiple operating systems at the same time.

The applications for this kind of technology can be comprehensive. For example, and probably the most common application, is the virtual desktop. In a computer, a desktop is the screen with all the icons that represent shortcuts to programs and file folders. Now, a virtual desktop is a second desktop, one with different folders and programs. This is because of access. A virtual desktop can be accessed from basically any computer, provided the person who is trying to gain access has the right security credentials like a password or a token with a code that changes every few minutes.

Of course, the software that makes everything possible does not come for free. The company that codes and markets that software has operating costs, and more importantly, employees that need to be compensated. As such, their products are going to need to be sold at a profit. As such, potential customers need to be ready to shell out a pretty penny.

The onus, however, shifts to the developer when it comes to reliability. If they market a product to a client, then the client is entitled to that product working properly. But it since the choice to patronize a product ultimately lies with the client, then it is up to them to find the right software for their business needs. As much as a developer needs to make a working product, it is the customers that should be able to choose the right one.

The main drawback to any aspect of business is humanity. Forgetting passwords and losing security tokens are both things that happen quite often. Which means that the access to such a system becomes compromised.

People expect convenience. They have also come to expect speed when it comes to their tasks. They want to be able to do things quickly and efficiently.

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