The Secret To Climb Kilimanjaro For Less

By Betty Fisher

It is exciting to be at the peak of Africa, the summit of Mt. Kilimanjaro. In front of your eyes spreads a wilderness that is breathtaking. You have a cocktail of vegetation, wildlife and skies when you go up the mountain. But to climb Kilimanjaro requires a lot of resources and planning. This can be capital intensive, to the point of discouraging you. How can you spend less on this lifetime experience?

Plan your trip over a long time. Rush decisions are expensive because you do not have the time to look for the best deals. You also have to commit a lot of money in a short time. Pay in installments through plans provided by tour operators. When you deposit a few hundred or thousand dollars every month, it does not feel as much as paying in lump sum. This also allows you to accumulate more and therefore have a memorable trek to the peak.

Travel in a group instead of traveling alone. A group can negotiate better rates for airfare, local transportation and accommodation, among other costs for the trip. Beyond getting a lower price, it is fun to travel in a group of friends and family. You encourage each other and have a lot of fun along the way.

Travel during low season. The beauty of Kilimanjaro is that it is always welcoming to tourists. The mountain is open throughout the year and has breathtaking attractions any time you visit. However, there are seasons when too many tourists visit. Keep away from these seasons because the amenities you need are expensive. You also fail to get the attention of tour guides which lowers the quality of your experience.

Book your tour as a package instead of taking each item alone. There are comprehensive packages offered by tour companies to Mt. Kilimanjaro. You pay for visa processing, air travel, food, tour guides, accommodation and local transport, among other amenities in a single package. The entire package is less expensive compared to paying at the point of demand and individually. It is also a lot of hustle to get these services on the spot.

Instead of staying in hotels, choose to camp. Hotels are comfortable but booking for the entire duration is expensive. Further consider the fact that most of the time will be spent climbing. When trekking as a group, it is fun to engage in night activities like wilderness games and open fire cooking. Take the chance to enjoy the African outdoor of wild sounds and singing creatures in the night.

Plan your trip with professionals. Shortcuts embraced by quacks can prove to be more expensive and inconveniencing. Experienced professionals have networks that allow them to get cheaper yet quality packages. They will deliver the quality they promise. You will have one of the most exciting experiences at the tallest peak in Africa.

The intensity of taking on the mountain demands a lot of resources and also fitness preparation. Your health must also be examined to avoid risks due to fatigue and low oxygen supply. Work with experienced tour company in planning for the trip to make it enjoyable and rewarding for you.

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