Travel Adventure Stories Blog: Follow These Viewing Guidelines During Your Whale Watching Trip

By Gregory Sullivan

The breeze of the beach and its smell is what drives thousands of people to visit oceans. Not only that, some take pleasure in observing how marine animals live. Whale watching falls under activities tourists engage in when they visit shorelines, and you can read more about in travel adventure stories blog. Whales are endangered marine animals as such, the world is trying to keep them as safe as possible. They have established rules involving this activity which visitors should adhere to.

So if the site is not for hunting or fishing, certain areas prohibit possession of any weapon or tool that can be used to kill or capture their animals. If they find you trying to harm the animals deliberately you will be prosecuted. Visitors should not feed the animals, this is for safety reasons. At the ocean as well, whales should not be disturbed, so don t try to touch them, chase after them or play with them, you will be invading their space. Keep your noise level to the minimum.

Whales as living organisms sometimes get agitated too, pay attention to their emotions while around them. If you suspect that they are disturbed by your presence, please leave the area. This is how you ll see when they are agitated; they might change their swimming direction and speed rapidly, slap their tails, take long diving and show some signs of erratic behavior.

Just like a hen protects its chicken, a whale also protects its claves. Animal parents may be a little paranoid when it comes to their young because they want no harm near them. So when you see a whale with its calves, stay away from them at all costs. Also, keep your things to yourself; that includes trash, don t dump it in the water you will be endangering lives.

People who study marine animal lives do not know yet whether swimming with whales is saved or not. So do not try swimming with them hoping they won t harm you. You ll be putting both them and yourself at risk.

To ensure their comfortability while touring, please follow the following viewing guidelines. Your boat should move at a constant speed without unexpected changes in directions, otherwise, whales may be startled and dive away. Avoid surrounding them, they should have an escape route to feel at ease. Don t use your boat to overtake them and if they are not so close to you, don t be tempted to leapfrog to force an encounter.

If you are lucky you might see them approaching your boat, slow down or go into a complete halt while enjoying your view and waiting for them to pass. Make sure that they are aware of your presence by leaving the engine on.

There are some unfortunate situations whereby people take a tour of the sea and come back without having seen the whales. It has been observed that they come to certain shorelines at certain seasons of the year. Visit at the right seasons to increase your chances of seeing them.

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