Early Utah Art Still Have Relevance Even Among New Generations

By Douglas Clark

In the crowded world of cyberspace, some people still feel alone or feel unwelcome. Residents of cyberspace tend to be more critical, and judgmental, hiding behind their computer monitors and keyboards. When their naive words reach people on the other side of the world, those words become a rule to someone to not show the public their true colors. That rule is usually the reason individuals are getting rid of their phone, and look for alternative ways to have a better view of the world, they opt to spend their time browsing Early Utah Art collections that still have relevance even among new generations.

Freely expressing thoughts, ideas, and feelings is important to keep oneself sane. As the disappointments of the world keeps piling up, people tend to consider themselves as trash rather than a beautiful piece of artwork. Expressing whatever goes to your mind can actually free you from the feelings of discontentment of yourself and of the world.

Yet, showing your every color to the public can be too hard for you to do. This is primarily because of experiences of having been rejected. For one to be successful, one must erase the thoughts that are material, and greet with open arms the thoughts from the soul.

Browsing through the collections can bring individuals the power of positive thinking. You will be propelled in holding a paint brush in your hand and the white canvas in front of you, you can get this feeling like you starting anew with your life. Feeling like your heart was never wounded by the rule.

As you begin to feel goodness through looking at the masterpieces, that goodness radiates to everyone. They will see their fellow human beings as a piece of artwork, too, complex to one but easily understood by another. Expressing yourself through art lower the chances of ruining relationships.

However, the gallery is not just about paintings on a blank canvas, air can be expressed in many forms. Transform mud into artwork in pottery. Take photos of inspiring views of nature and of people. One can also transform a piece of metal into works an artwork by sculpting, or poets can compose words of enlightenment. For art is about the beauty and power of emotions it gives individuals.

When people visit museums, they usually expect just a combination of colors. Beginners have this idea that it would be just about the fun in splattering colors, ignorant to the fact that the fun they are about to experience is different from appreciating artwork, for it is the fun of experiencing art. Unfortunately, there are citizens that do not realize that they have a rich culture, however, such realization can be attained through the collection.

Before cities were modernized, these lands were filled of majestic landscapes, and instead of tall building, trees were massive. Sadly, with the arrival of technological advancements, the government and business owners are clearing the lands for them to provide homes, and build their empires.

Thus, generations should address this problem by remembering the past, appreciating the present, and aspire to be a person that affects great change for the upcoming years. This will propel them in saving Mother Earth. After all, Mother Earth is the number source of food of humans.

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