Real Life Heroines From Female Adventurer Stories

By Richard Fisher

The prominence of male heroes in literature is not to be understated. Nearly every story in existence tells the tale of a man or boy who overcomes obstacles and rises to save the day. If there are any women in the story, they generally are supporting characters or somehow in need of rescue. Women never rise to the occasion and compete at the same level as men. There are women, however, in female adventurer stories that provide a good example for girls. They also existed in real life and are not fictional.

One of the modern day heroines that continues to capture the imagination of people of both genders is Amelia Earhardt. Earhardt is best known for being the first female pilot to travel around the world. She grew up and lived in Abilene, Kansas and came from an unassuming family. Her rise to fame captured the attention of people around the world as they watched her make her mark in aviation.

She remains a mysterious figure today because of how her real life tale came to an end. No one knows for sure what happened to her. However, some believe she landed on some Japanese islands in the Pacific and was taken prisoner. Others think she died on a deserted island after crash landing with her co-pilot. Even so, her adventurous spirit remains an example to young women today.

Another example could be Laura Ingalls Wilder, who is best known as the author of the Little House book series. She also existed in real life although her books take some liberty with her actual existence. Her daughter Rose Wilder Lane helped author the books despite never getting credit for her contributions.

Her life on the prairies was not easy and in fact troublesome enough at points to where it would have been reasonable had she succumbed to hardships. However, she and her family forged on through difficulties like sickness, debt, and the death of her infant brother. They came out of all of it with their spirits intact and more determined than ever to live happy and complete lives.

Her books provide inspiration for females who look for a strong, resolute here to whom to look up and admire. Wilder emphasized the importance of always looking to the future and never complaining. She taught that hardships can be overcome with determination, confidence, and an inventive spirit. She learned these values from her own mother.

Having books like these around can be important for girls today. They have few examples after which to emulate themselves. They may not find inspiration in male heroes but rather want to see themselves reflected in protagonists. Teachers and parents can find books like these at their local bookstores and libraries.

Stories of female adventurers continue to inspire young women and girls everywhere. The heroes of these tales are often not imaginary, however. They actually lived in real life and left behind tales that regale audiences today. Their tales show the ingenuity and strength of women who have the resolve and confidence to try something new and forge on in the face of adversity.

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