A Discussion On EMDR And Trauma Therapy

By Rebecca Perry

Mental disorders are unfortunately not uncommon occurrences in societies the whole world over. This has especially become exigent in modern times. They occur without the intent and volition of people, even when they least expect it. Our brains can really play tricks on us, and its only polite to return the favor. To treat trauma and other related conditions, you should bank on emdr and trauma therapy frederick md.

Before we delve into the technicalities, its important to consider the basics. First off, the intricacies of the mind are such that in the event of a strong emotional reaction, the brain is hardwired to shut off other less active parts in order to cater to the excited area. Over time, this overtly processed memory may transmute to symptoms of PTSD.

Mental disorders along this tangent can be really debilitating and even disabling. Some people are luckily resolute and hard wearing, but there are some who, after experiencing a horrible ordeal, tend to regress to it often, and uncontrollably so. Needless to say, this precludes them from living wholly in the present and cause them to suffer endlessly and relentlessly, making them go through the pain and ordeal over again even when for others it had already passed to oblivion.

Aside from getting them on frequent mental time travels, sufferers of PTSD may also get down to self harm and potentially act on their frequent suicidal thoughts and tendencies. It goes without saying that its crucial and imperative for this condition to be treated as soon as is possible.

This kind of psychotherapy is evidence based, as well as practically non invasive and cost effective. That is especially comforting for persons who are already at the brink of psychological conditions. That is because they wont have to worry about pragmatisms like money and agonize over projected pain and sufferings like injections and some such.

More specifically, and before anything else, theres a history taking session, which enable the therapist to gain insights into the afflictions suffered by the person. Phase two is all about preparation, enabling the two to work together in dealing with the distress. After these, they may then proceed with the procedure outlined above.

This treatment option facilitates the access to and processing of traumatic memories and adverse experiences that led to the PTSD, and then bring these actualities to some adaptive resolutions. This aims to relieve affective distress, or else to reformulate negative beliefs about oneself and ones experiences. This reformulation is all about seeing things from a different lens, enabling patients to view them from another perspective.

Its perceived effectiveness, according to researchers, is overwhelming. A supposed 100 percent of single trauma victims and 77 percent of multiple trauma victims are no longer found a vestige of PTSD after a mere six sessions of one hour each. Its also being pitched to treat a whole host of conditions from personality to eating disorders, panic attacks, phobias, and addictions.

Anyhow, this kind of process enables a patient to reprocess his memories and disturbing feelings. Ideally, EMDR therapy transforms the meaning of these painful and traumatic events on an emotional level. These newfound associations translate to more processing, learning, and developing of new insights. This leaves the patient feeling empowered by the selfsame experiences that debased and demoralized them, effectively eliminating any vestige of emotional distress.

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