Styling Strategies A Senior Fashion Blog Needs To Include

By Brenda Thomas

If you're a style conscious senior with some extra time, you should think about sharing some of what you know about fashion for the mature woman with others. Senior women sometimes have trouble deciding what works for them at this time in their lives. When you decide to try your hand at writing a senior fashion blog, there are certain things that need to be included.

One of your first tips should concern trusting your instincts. Most senior women already have a pretty good sense on what they can wear and what they can't. They don't have to abandon that style sense, or start to doubt it, just because they aren't as young as they used to be.

Seniors should choose clothes they feel comfortable in and look good in. There is nothing wrong with taking a style risk as long as the woman is comfortable with it. That includes wearing heels, if they love them, or abandoning stilettos in favor of ballet flats if that's their choice.

Keeping a style journal is often very helpful. For women who love browsing fashion magazines, saving images of outfits that interest them, and they think might be attractive on them, can be useful. Some will keep their journals online while others still love the idea of leafing through the actual magazines. These journals can be a source of inspiration for the next shopping spree.

Mature women do not have to follow trends. Style trends are fun to look at, but most of them are gone after one season. Many are so exotic, they will only be suitable on the youngest or thinnest of models. There may be some aspects of a trend you can make your own. The rest you should leave alone. The clothes closets of most stylish seniors includes classics that only need a little updating to make them look like they were taken from the runway.

Seniors should avoid getting stuck in a rut. It isn't unusual for people to get used to shopping in certain shops to the exclusion of others. When it starts to get hard to find clothing that fits properly, or has any appeal, at the old store, it's time to look elsewhere. There may be other shops in town that should be checked out. Going online is another option.

All women should have certain clothing items in their closet. One of them is a good fitting pair of jeans. Straight leg and boot cut denim are both flattering and comfortable. Jeans are something you can dress up or down depending on the occasion. You also need to have a tailored pair of dress pants in charcoal or black.

Every woman's closet should include a classic, hip length blazer. A crisp white blouse and a black pencil skirt should also be staples. Camisoles are inexpensive and can be used under sweaters, jackets, and sheer blouses.

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