The Inspiring Senior Travel Blog

By Martha Martin

There are a great number of people who strives hard in order to become financially ready to support their dream of travelling the whole world. Meeting new people and experiencing different traditions can be enjoyed by everyone especially by the seniors. It is definitely fun to know about some of the inspiring senior travel blog.

We live in a world where we recognize the limitations of our senior in different aspects that is why they are most likely to receive their pension after retiring from their jobs. Most seniors get depressed about being separated by their children who are taking their own journeys as they make their own families. This is why seniors deserve all the stress free vacation they need after working hard to become good citizens and parents to their children.

Travelers have different reasons why they travel. The senior bloggers like to tell about their story because they believe that it will serve as an inspiration to those who are also interested in travelling. Some claimed that they liked how much it inspires their friends to continue dreaming despite being physically weaker.

We have heard about travelers who sell all their possession in order to see the whole world and what comes up in our minds whenever we hear about it is if it was worth it all. One of those who took this risk is a seventy two year old lady named Amanda, who made up her mind that seeing the world the only thing that is lacking in her life. So she did and what she experienced changed her life.

As a child, she used to have no permanent address as they had to move again and again due to the profession of her father. When she had her own family, she was able to stay in one place for long until her children grew up and start to move to a new place with their new family. She was left in distress until she came to the idea of travelling the world.

It was more than a ten year travel vacation for her and not once did she ever had any regrets in choosing to do what she did. She talked about how grateful she was to all of those who continue to support her. The only response she has for all of those judgmental people who disliked her life decision was that she is happy the road she took and she is happier that she took it while she could.

The best part of her journey is learning to become accepting of all the differences whether in color, culture or religion. Some people might think it is too late for her age but all she got as an answer is that it is never too late if you are making use of what you have left. Linda became an inspiration to her friends who are already incapable of traveling unlike her and she makes their dreams come true by simply telling sharing to them about her journeys.

Survival was never easy for her at first but with the right budgeting and necessary research before taking another step made her last long enough than she ever thought she could. The most challenging parts was getting sick but she was lucky enough to not catch any major sickness yet. It was good to be a senior because there are many advantages and discounts anywhere especially when it comes to medication.

The travel blog of Linda got a lot of positive reviews mostly from senior citizens as well who wished to experience the same thing but never had the means to. She feels like she is bringing them with her wherever she goes as they follow through her blog stories. People might get old but then are never too old to appreciate the beauty of the world.

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